NieR:Automata: World Guide Vol.2 NieR:Automata: World Guide Vol.2
47.90 €

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Model: Kirjat
Release date: 03/22/2023
Produced by: Dark Horse
Language: English
Postage fee: 4.90 €
Pick up from our store: 2.00€ ( more)

Revisit the characters, combat, and environment that enchanted players with stunning action and profound adventure from video game director Yoko Taro. Discover the intricacies of Submergence City, learn more about the characters and enemies with the Data Library, and master the Androids' arsenal! Also featuring concept art and commentary, this second volume of the NieR:Automata World Guide is a must have item for fans of the game!
This product was added to our catalog on 03/21/2023.

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